MUA Pro-Base Eye Primer (Review)

Monday 4 March 2013

Hi there!
Today I will be posting about an eye primer by the brand MUA (Make Up Academy), a brand that is in Superdrug only and became famous for their line of £1 makeup, and over time they have came out with another range which ranges from £2-£6.
They released this eye primer recently I think, but I believe it was a re-promotion of their old primer. This retails for £2, which is not bad at all, and this is one of the few drugstore eye primers I have seen! 
This primer creates a sticky base for your eyeshadow, and I think that it provides a longer wearing time for your shadow.
Product Shot - MUA Pro-Base Eye Primer
This eye primer is a pale natural colour, and doesn't really have a scent. I'm not complaining about that, as their old one used to smell of hamsters?! :)
Overall, a great product, and definately worth investing in if you don't want to invest in a high end primer at the moment, or if your is run out and you need to save your pennies for a few weeks to repurchase.
Thanks for reading, don't forget to follow, and comment with your requests!:)
Lauren x


  1. Love the look of your new blog and thanks for tagging me on the other post :) I always love MUA products and I don't have an eye primer at the moment so I'll definitely be on the lookout for this x

    1. Thanks!
      Yeah, can't beat a bargain like this!
      Thanks for your comment!
      Lauren x

  2. Replies
    1. Me too! It's really great!x
      Thanks for your comment!
      Lauren x

  3. Great review.. I'm in the market for a new eye primer after my Stay Don't Stray vanished in my messy room, so this is really value for money. It doesn't cake or get into lines, does it?
    My Beauty Junction

    1. Hi!
      I think this is a great price too!
      I haven't had any problems with caking and I'm pretty sure creasing, smudging and lines aren't a problem, and I don't have this when I use it and my lids are often oily! :)
      Thanks for your comment!
      Lauren x

  4. Hiya Lauren, I love all of your blog posts hehe! I'm in love with this primer from MUA and I use it every day when I'm wearing eyeshadows. I would love it if you could do a blog post explaining how to make a blog as cool as this one!

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