ThisWorks- Sleep Balm Review

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hello everyone!
I found this sleep balm in TkMaxx for £3.75 as old Christmas stock, and I could't say no. I saw it on an I Covet Thee video, and I was prepared to pay £10, but I found this bargain instead! I also found a lovely lavender pillow mist from a french brand for around the same price. I am really into sleep products at the moment!
So this sleep balm is designed to help you drift off to sleep by rubbing a small amount on your pulse points before you go to sleep.

Product Shot

This is basically an average thickness lavender scented balm. Sometimes it's not so thick as I have it by my bedside table lamp, and the light warms it up a bit. I suppose it does make for easier application, not that when it isn't melted it's hard to apply, it's great either way!
I'm not sure how this actually helps my sleeping, as I do get to sleep easier when I use it, I *think*..? Lavender is a well know calming scent though..So you never know!

Have you found any gems in TkMaxx recently? I am hoping to pop in there tomorrow and find a few things..Let me know if you would like to see a mini haul?
Thanks for reading, don't forget to follow and comment!

Lauren x


  1. A mini haul would be great! This is something I really want to try and may pop in at the weekend and see if I can spot it! Lou, xo

    1. I definately recommend it if you find it!
      Let me know if you find any gems in there!
      Thanks for commenting Lou,
      Lauren x

  2. I love going to TkMaxx, always find treasure in their haha! Great post
    .Georgina Clare.

    1. Me too! I could be in there forever haha!
      Thanks for commenting Georgina!
      Lauren x


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