Rimmel Blush in Smoked Oyster

Sunday 10 March 2013

Hi everyone!
Today I will be posting about a lovely product that is fairy new to my collection. It's a blush by the brand Rimmel, who I think have really been coming out with some great products recently! They may even be my favourite drugstore brand at the moment! Megan also recently posted about this, so check that out!
I found this blush for 50p in my local Boots in a clearance bin, so definately look around for this!
Close Up Product Shot
This blush is a warm brownish coral colour with a shot of pink and silver shimmer through it, which isn't very visible on the cheeks. If you struggle with contouring, then this is perfect for you. Sweep this on your lower cheek, just above the hollows, to act as a blush and contour in one!
The rather cute packaging - but I personally prefer matte black, just a tad more sophisticated in my eyes.
I had a swatch on my arm, but once I had uploaded it to my computer, it wasn't in focus. Naughty camera! But this is a pretty true to life example of the colour. On my face it doesn't feel cakey at all and I find that it just adds a subtle wash of colour on my cheeks when I wear it.
This is a great makeup bag essential, as it takes up a really small amount of space, and can be worn at any time of the year!
Have you spotted any great bargains in your boots?
They had some No.7 eye brushes which I regret not picking up!
Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a comment and follow!
Lauren x


  1. Ooh that's a pretty colour.

    I have been tagged to do your The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG from the beautiful Louise from dreamdust so I thought I would pop over and say Hi :o)

    New follower, I hope you will come check out my blog.

    Jac x0x


    1. Thanks Jac!
      It's so lovely that people are actually taking time to do this tag that I created!
      Thanks for your comment, I will check your blog out :)
      Lauren x

  2. good review, id like to see it on your face :)


    1. Thanks!
      I may do that in some future posts, like a FOTD or something!
      Lauren x


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