Real Techniques Core Collection by Samantha Chapman (Review)

Monday 11 March 2013

Hi everyone! Today I will be posting about some brushes I absolutely love. I had heard great things about these brushes and when I realised that they were created by one of my favourite youtube makeup artists (Samantha Chapman from Pixiwoo) it made me want to buy them even more!
The core collection consists of 4 brushes. The buffing brush, the contour brush, the pointed foundation brush, and the detailer brush. You also get a really handy stand with the brushes too which can also be used when travelling.
All of the brushes.
I use the Buffing Brush to apply foundation to the skin for a really flawless finish, but also natural looking. No brush lines or any cakey-ness. My favourite brush in the collection. It is also great for blending and buffing cream blush to make it look a little more natural.
The logo on the stand for the brushes.
I use the Contour Brush for applying highlighter to the tops of the cheekbones, and also for applying a matte bronzer to the hollows of the cheeks. This brush does all the work for you. It comes to a slight point so that the tip collects and applies the product, and the wider part of the brush blends and buffs for you. It also works for sweeping blush onto the apples and outward.
I use the Pointed Foundation Brush for if I want to apply a cream product to the tops of my cheek bones for a more dewy look, such as something from my ELF Shimmer Palette. I find this too small for actually applying foundation, but this brush isn't bad for patting in your concealer.
The detailer brush is great for applying a lip colour for a really defined look. This brush is also quite good for really focusing a cream shadow under the lashline or into the crease to then blend out. Obviously I would clean the brush inbetween these 2 things!
All the brushes. You can see 5 here, but the extra picture (top left) is what you can see on the other side of the image.
So these are all the brushes. This set is £21.99 which I don't think is bad for the quality! I really am thinking about looking into buying some of the other brushes from this brand. Any you recommend?
These brushes are part of my everyday makeup, so definately worth investing in.
Thanks for reading!
Come again soon!
Lauren x


  1. I've got the starter set and i love it! Good value for money and i think they're going to last me a long time.

    I'd be more than happy to do a review on them for you over on my blog :).

    I'm a new follower and a new blogger. I would love for you to come and check out my latest post and follow if you like what you see :)

    1. I really want to try the stater set! I'm looking for some new eye brushes, mine are a little old now!
      I would love to read a review on your blog, I will check out your blog!
      Thanks for commenting and following natalie!

      Lauren x

  2. These brushes look really great, may have to look into them! They sound like a reasonable price for good brushes!
    I have a review on my blog on some brushes, they are really good!
    I have followed you, would you mind following me back?xx

  3. Thanks for commenting Lily!
    Ooh, I will pop over to your blog to have a look at your reviews and I will follow if I like what I see hehe!

    Lauren x

  4. Love these brushes, I got the yesterday, officially in love! Great post, new follower :)
    .Georgina Clare.

    1. They are great!
      Thanks for commenting and following Georgia!

      Lauren x

  5. I am loving your blog so.....

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers Award

    Jac x0x

    1. Thanks for nominating me!
      I will let you know if I post this!
      Lauren x

  6. I really want these! I'd definitely recommend the expert face brush by real techniques! It's perfect for foundation and I'd say way easier for foundation than the buffing brush when me and my friend compared them, although I guess a bit pointless if you already have the buffing brush.
    I'm a new follower & found your blog through your tag(which will be uploaded tomorrow). Lou, xo

    1. Hi Louise!
      I really want to try the expert face brush, but they don't sell it in my Boots!
      Thanks, I look forward to read your version of my tag!
      Lauren x

  7. Hi where did you get these from? I'm desperate for new makeup brushes and these look like the kind of 1s I would use! I've just found your blog and love all the beauty reviews. Being a new blogger myself I love reading other peoples to see what direction I want to take mine in :) followed!

    Jaime xx

    1. I picked mine up in boots Jaime, but you can also order them from the Real Techniques website.
      Lauren x

    2. Just ordered them online!! So excited for them to get delivered. Keep an eye out for a review :D

      Jaime xx


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