Saturday 26 October 2013

Being someone with considerably 'bad' skin, (it is improving must I add, touch wood), I am always on the lookout for something to improve and help it, and the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo ended up in my basket on

This is a gel like texture, which soaks in very quickly, but still adds enough moisture which allows you to wear it as a moisturiser in the day, and under (or over) and moisturiser, serum or any chosen product at night. This is akin to any kind of serum anyway, but I wouldn't complain about wearing it stand-alone as a moisturiser. 

So, onto what it actually does. A lot of people use this the first time, notice quite a bit of difference, then nothing else. Others improve the more they use it, and I would say I have had both. I noticed difference after one use, but I feel like it still does a little something, something to my skin, and I now can't imagine not having this, and using it at least every other day. I think it is purely paranoia that if I don't repurchase and use this all the time, my skin will get worse again. 

I definitely think this has reduced the amount of blemishes I have, and faded a few scars here and there, through unclogging pores, and making my skin a lot more 'pure'?, and I repurchase will be on the way as soon as I get remotely close to the end... *cough* probably soon...


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  1. I love this too and it really lasts a long time. I keep thinking I've run out but give it a really good shake and can use it for another few days. I've been repeating this cycle for the last two weeks and it's still going strog haha.

    Hannah xxx

    1. Good Idea! I think I will do the same when I worry mine will run out!x

      Lauren x

  2. Love this stuff! I had really awful skin for quite a while but I purchased this along with a few other bits (I SWEAR by Una Brennans serum from the Neroli range...check it out if you get a chance..) and it's really helped my skin clear up! Good luck with your clear skin quest :) xx

  3. I keep telling myself I'll get this because the reviews are amazing but I keep forgetting to pick it up! xx


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