Wednesday 6 August 2014

Yesterday, I went shopping - bad idea, I know. But, in the next couple of weeks I am starting my spending ban in order to save for my trip to America in the next few months so that I can try out some of the beauty items from there, but of course I had to pick up a couple of things I could try out so I wasn't totally beauty purchase deprived up until I step into the airport (read: Duty Free).

I restocked on the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in the shades 1 Fair and 2 Cool Medium as I caught the sun a little recently and so I thought I could mix the two of these together to find a match. I also got a new Batiste for those bad hair days in the Floral & Flirty Blush scent.
Sticking with the hair products, I also thought I would give the VO5 Give Me Texture Dry Texturising Spray a whirl and on first impressions, I'm a little unsure - how do you use this product?

In the trusty Boots clearance I found the Botanics Face Brush which I plan to use occasionally to cleanse, and this was £2 anyway so I thought it'd be a good time to try it out. As well as this, I found the Soap and Glory Archery Brow Tint and Pencil in Brownie Points for £4 (after peeling back the sticker apparently it's expired but if it's unopened I don't see the issue - I'll report back), but this is something I have been wanting to try for a while now so when better than for when its selling for something short of a fiver.

In TkMaxx I found this Orly Nail Polish in Va Va Voom (a vibrant neon pink in which the picture just isn't doing it justice) but this was a bargainous £2.99 so I couldn't pass it up and I thought it'd be a good summer shade. Finally in Topshop I got these simple gold shape earrings in the sale for £2.50 and thought they would be nice to wear everyday.

What have you been buying recently, and what are your tips for saving money?


  1. I love the idea of the texturising spray but I wouldn't be sure how to use it either. I feel like these things enhance natural hair rather than transforming it. For example, my salt spray doesn't do much for my flat polka straight hair but it would probably give some people beautiful beachy waves. I absolutely love the S&G Archery- its fool proof (me being the fool!). Good luck with the spending ban. I've never tried one because I know I would be hopeless at it.
    Julz Obsessions xx

  2. Pretty sure that this kinda defeats the idea of a spending ban - but I love your picks!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  3. What a fabulous load of goodies!


  4. Batiste is my summer essential, and I hadn't seen that brow tint before thanks for sharing xxx

  5. That nail polish is stunning, you can't beat a shocking pink :)
    xxx Claire


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