Sunday 28 December 2014

What. A. Year. It seems to have just flown by, especially in blogging terms. I started the year as 'The Beau Bow', progressing into the step of buying a domain under 'Petite December' and really getting to work with my layout, content and pictures, and I've had absolutely no regrets about that step.

This year I've really come to terms with blogging; thinking about my content as well as planning ahead. I've changed up my personal style rather dramatically as well as improved my makeup application alongside my knowledge and I feel far more capable of writing good quality posts (although a tight budget makes things a little more difficult). In the recent months I've fallen in love with fashion and can't wait to (hopefully) get a more 50:50 fashion and beauty regime going on post-wise.

My most popular post of 2014 was the 'Kylie Jenner Esque Lips' in which I explored the slightly overdrawn, staple pink-brown nude lip that Kylie has been coveting over the year. Following that is the 'Half Up Hipster Bun' show and tell in which I expressed my love for a hairstyle introduced to me by Lily Melrose. At the beginning of the year I declared a battle between some of the well known Drugstore Foundations around - some of which I still love today. And one of my favourite post titles of the year, 'On Wednesday's We Wear Pink', of course, exploring my pink beauty selection with a few harmless Mean Girls references.

I've recently got back into Intragram, so for more regular pictures and updates, follow @petitedecember . I've been so proud of my post consistency throughout 2014, and I hope 2015 will see the same, although it is my year for GCSE exams so we will see how things pan out, but scheduling will always be by my side.

I've already been planning plenty of posts for the new year (I have a notebook, and I'm being pretty bloody organised), and can't wait to see where 2015 will take Petite December.


  1. This was such a lovely post, I always enjoy reading peoples "highlights" of the year and I can not wait to see what you have up your sleeve for the New Year!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx

  2. This was a great post, nice to have a little insight into others worlds. Have a great new year!


  3. Lovely post, thanks for sending me your link on Twitter, you've got a lovely blog so followed on GFC.

    Your pictures are great x


  4. Thanks for leaving me your link in the chat over the weekend! you have such a lovely blog and it seems you've come so far in the past year with it :) following you now! All the best, Saida xx


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