Thursday 11 December 2014

After a recent nail break, I decided I needed immediate action and rather than having painted stubs, I decided to locate the fake nails section in Superdrug. I had a £5 Love to Shop voucher from a survey I did a while back, and decided that in an emergency I should use it and get something good for my money.

These are the Elegant Touch Totally Bare Nails in 001 Square and cost £4.65. I filed them down a little, made the the shape I wanted and then painted them in Nails Inc Porchester Square to make them look really chic and something that matches with any outfit so I can reuse these multiple times. They look really natural and with the filing they don't restrict me in any way.

You get 48 nails of 10 sizes in each pack, so you get around 2 uses from each, unless you file the edges down to make them fit a little better and you could squeeze for 3. But I really like the fit and you also get a decent sized glue that is rather strong and quick drying, that claims to last for 10 days if used properly.

I know Nailene have a 200 pack similar that I might be getting my hands on soon as I think as long as you take care of your natural nails before and after application, you can have some really effortless perfected manicures that don't cause any damage like acrylics might.


  1. your nails are lovely :)

    I'm running a "Christmas" giveaway (lorac pro pallet+ the wet brush), if you're interested, check this link:
    little taste of heaven

  2. These look really natural and super chic, I love the colour you painted them too! I am going for the square nails look at the mo, makes a change xxx

  3. The Elegant Touch nails sound amazing! They look great as well.


  4. These look gorgeous! I love that grey!


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