Tuesday 9 September 2014

After a very spur-of-the-moment decision on Saturday night (which entailed quite a lengthy session of scouring Google Images for pictures of every blogger who went for the chop), I decided to get my hair cut. Not professionally, just by my mum in the kitchen. Yep, you heard. My mum has been cutting my hair for me up until about the age of 12, and I have only been to the hairdressers for something short of 10 times maximum.

I was practically hyperventilating and as she hacked off the first chunk of hair off, it's safe to say I squealed and made a spectacle, but, there was no going back after that so she continued and I walked up to the mirror with hands over my eyes, and luckily absolutely loved the finished product. I started testing out styles, not even bothered by the hair left behind on the table that resembled a small rodent.

I did wake up Sunday morning with a minute feeling of regret but as soon as I looked in the mirror, saw where my hair used to look ratty and dead, and began waving and curling it, that feeling went away. I will say I like this curled, but very lightly with some texture enhancing spray through the lengths too - with this length of hair you really can go for the gritty look.

I look forward to celebrating how quick my hair takes to dry and wash, as well as enjoying the new look I have going on - honestly, who knew a trim (or a few more inches than the latter) could make me feel so fashionable?


  1. Your hair looks lovely :) It's always scary having a chop but it can be so worth it xx

  2. I totally understand the feeling - I was so completely scared when I went to get my hair cut short but then absolutely loved it (thank god 'cause there was no going back! haha) you look lovely! :) X

    Tania | thearistochats.blogspot.com

  3. Your hair looks really gorgeous and healthy, I recently have mine cut into a bob and genuinely keep having nightmares about it hahaha xxx

    Blonde of Carbs

  4. I just did a big chop to donate my hair! I want to grow it out to about the length you got and keep it there for a while :)
    Allison from www.mercuteify.com


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