Saturday 28 December 2013

Cliche blogger introductory paragraph, but I'll put it short and sweet. I'm NOT bragging, and am extremely grateful for absolutely everything you see here (I also got other non-beauty bits too, but they aren't being featured here, and some of the things didn't get into this photo haha).

So, first with the bath and body items. I got the Soap and Glory Relaxstation set, which basically, I have just been smelling for the past 3 days, and I may be a little addicted. From my little sister, I got the Body Shop Vineyard Peach Body Butter which is the thickest, most nourishing body butter you ever did see, and it literally smells like someone crushed up a peach and put it in this pot - love. On the same front I got the Burt's Bees Essential Kit which contains a cleanser, hand salve, body lotion, foot cream and a lip balm (which I was most excited about).

Onto makeup. So, I was lucky enough to receive MAC Woodwinked, coming in at my first every MAC eye shadow, and the colour is just simply be-a-utiful, a golden, bronzey colour which just pairs nicely with my brown eyes - yay! I got the Smashbox It's Your Prime Set which contains 3 primers; the famous Photofinish Foundation Primer, the new Hydrating Undereye Primer and also the Photofinish Lid Primer all of which at first impressions are great.

 I also got the Real Techniques Stippling Brush which I have wanted for ages for light foundation application and cream brush, and I am loving it. The Soap and Glory Girl-O-Whirl was a total surprise to me, which my mum had picked out when it was on the star offer in Boots (you chose very well mum!), and it has an array of products in it which I have been lusting after for ages now. I also got 2 No7 sets, one of which being the one with 2 brushes, and 3 shadows which you saw in my wishlist post, and another with a compact mirror and case, in it, both being from my Nan and Granddad. 

The Origins Mask Marvels Set turned up under the tree, so I am excited to trail (and review of course) 3 fabulous masks from Origins , 2 of which have gained a cult-status in the beauty world.

Finally onto fragrances. I got the Body Shop White Musk Smokey Rose Fragrance Mist which is a lovely, slightly lighter version of the original EDP, but still smells just as good as it. I also got this adorable set of 4 of the Ted Baker Women scents in a set called Heaven Scent which are so feminine, but not too overpowering, and the packaging on top of that receives an A* from me. 

So those were the majority of the beauty based gifts that I got this year, and I can assure you, the money I received was well spent buying more beauty (and some fashion) bargains in the Boxing Day sales... oops. 


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  1. Aw looks like you got some lovely presents :) I really want to try the Real Techniques Stippling brush too, I have been using the Biffing brush for foundation but I have heard good things about this one instead xx

  2. Wow you got some amazing stuff! I love the Body Shop and Soap And Glory products!

  3. Ooh you got some lovely thngs :D

    I got some nice gifts that I wanted to blog about but haven't had chance yet. I would have absolutely loved to have got that Smashbox set as well ;)

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  4. I love the presents you got I would of loved them myself :)


  5. Wow you got some great goodies! So jealous of the Origins set :) x x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

  6. you won't be disappointed by the origins set!

    I've put up my 'what I got for christmas' post if you wanted to take a look.
    Love, Rebecca-Louise
    Autumn Leaves - UK Beauty Blog


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