Laptop Dilemma!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Hi guys!
If you are here for a beauty review or an OOTD, unfortunately that is not what you will be getting today. My dear old little laptop has been having some issues before with the battery and charger, and now it has decided to die completely without me being able to recharge it. The worst part is that I have all of my blogging photos on there, and so now I cannot do a post unless I take a lot more photos which I currently don't have time for. I have ordered a new charger and battery, and so this issue should be sorted in no more than about 5 days and there will b a post shortly. I will try and do a tag or something to fill the gap, but I hope you understand my issue!
The best I could do was find a cool quote slightly related to this post. The image is from HERE
Maybe this will teach me a lifelong lesson to backup my photos and files onto a memory stick or to somewhere else. Oops.. Everyone makes mistakes aye?
Well, that's it for today. I hope to se you very soon depending on when the bits I need arrive in the post.
Thanks for reading guys,
Lauren x


  1. Hi Lauren,

    I haven't been on here for ages and I defiantly have missed your blog! But I have managed to change up the look of my blog, I think it looks much more professional now and I would love it if you could go to check it out.

    Hope your laptop works soon,
    Millie x

  2. We all learn our lesson at one point or another about backing up - unfortuneately it's a pretty horrible lesson to learn. Hope things go well for you soon!

    Jasmine @

  3. Sorry to hear about your computer :/
    I have had to learn the lesson the hard way too.. lesson learned at least :)


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