UK Baby Lips!

Friday 16 August 2013

Hi guys!
I think it is safe to say thay over in the States, you are very lucky when it comes to products being released. (I'm not sure about all products, but definitely in this case). It was such a long time ago when I first heard about the Maybelline Baby Lips, and they have only just been released here in the UK. So far, I have 4, as the others didn't really interest me too much, although I will still end up coming home with them one day.
In the range we currently have, there are 3 tinted ones, and 3 that aren't tinted, and are designed to hydrate the lips more, and some give SPF 20 Protection.

From left to right, we have Mint Fresh (not tinted), Peach Kiss, Pink Punch, and Cherry Me, which are the 3 tinted ones. I seriously love the packaging, it is cute and colourful which isn't my normal preference with packaging (I'm a matte black packaging person, but to be honest I probably wouldn't be interested in these if that was the case), and there is contrasting coloured cute bubble writing, and these just look nice on top of a chest of drawers, or they brighten up your collection!

Here you can see all the names on the original packaging for the baby lips, just for you to see. The mint one actually has SPF 20 in it, so I shall be using that if it is sunny!

So here I have swatched: Peach Kiss, Pink Punch and Cherry Me. You can see that Cherry Me has the best colour payoff, or a lovely dark pinky red, and following on from that is Pink Punch, which leaves the lips with a sheer baby pink gloss, and then finally Peach Kiss which leaves a stunning nude shimmer on the lips, and I have been topping this one up on the lips a lot, and I only got it the other day!

I also love the mint one, it is really refreshing and almost leaves a tingly feeling on the lips. I am a sucker for mint, and so this really floats my boat for everyday use when you don't really want much colour. 

As for hydration to the lips, the packet claims to give you 8 hours of moisture. I wouldn't really agree with that, as it is hard for any lip balm to do that to the lips. Though, these have a really lovely thick, balmy texture and I do feel like they could keep your lips in good condition, but I am an addict to these and like to keep putting them on again and again, sometimes when I don't even need it! Haha!

Have you tried the Maybelline Baby Lips, or are you still hoping to get your hands on them? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading, 
Lauren x



  1. I'm still hoping to get some of these! I think I might have to go to superdrug or boots at the weekend to see if there are any left. Did you get yours from superdrug or boots! Great post

    Millie x

    1. I got mine in Boots Millie! They had the whole collection there on the actual stand, whereas Superdrug had them in a little basket at the till.

      Good Luck finding them!

      Lauren x

  2. great post! they look amazing :)

    1. Thanks very much! And they are great! I have been using them non stop!

      Thanks for commenting!

      Lauren x

  3. I recently purchased the mint one of these. It was literally the last on the shelf after the UK release!

    1. I love the mint one, especially if I don't want any colour, or for night time! Good job you grabbed it! So many people have been having trouble getting them due to the high demand!

      Lauren x

  4. I didn't know that we have different release dates! I have the purple one, it's amazing.

    check out my blog!

    1. We have been waiting for them for months and months here in the UK! There are so many different ones in the States too! Im jealous :( Maybe they will make an appearance here one day!
      I love that one too!

      Lauren x

  5. Pink Punch and Cherry Me are my favourites, they smell so nice :D

  6. I have a neighbour who works as an air hostess and sh brought these back for me before the were released in the uk! I love Pink Punch and would love to get my hands on the clear ones!

    Imogen <3

  7. Eeeeee yay so excited to get these! Thankyou very much for this. xo
    Love from Jasmine @

  8. I've recently tried Cherry Me and absolutely love it!

    Rebecca x


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