Wednesday 15 June 2016

It's getting close to the summer holiday season yet again, and you can guarantee I am sweating it out in the gym most days a week in the hope of pulling together some sort of glowing bikini body in the next month or two (we'll see about that one), but there is no point of all the exercise if I don't have any bikinis to rock.

Most years, I really struggle to find a well fitting bikini, because my boob size to be honest isn't quite as proportional to the rest of my body and everything tends to look a bit off. But this year, I've found two perfectly fitting bikinis from ASOS, the one place I can pretty much always rely on. I'm not sure if these are still available as they were sale finds, but they have very similar styles anyway so it's worth a look.

The first is the Fuller Bust Girly Woodblock Print Marilyn Bikini, a triangle style which ties into a halter neck. I like this because of the thick band - it tends to offer me more support than similar style bikinis without it. I also love the pattern on this one - a pretty floral design in pastel shades.
The second is a little more intense, a mash up of animal print and floral designs - something I wouldn't usually go for, but unusually love. This is the Fuller Bust (these work best for me) Tropical Animal Moulded Plunge Bikini, yet again offering me lots of support. This also ties to a halterneck, and has underwire in proper cups for a more structured style than the former.

As I said, these fit perfectly, and I'll definitely be heading to the ASOS Swimwear if I am after any more for my holidays, and to be honest, knowing these pretty bikinis are waiting for me makes me work that extra bit harder at the gym...

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