Thursday, 22 August 2013

I have been running out of time this past week, and unfortunately that means I have been putting off posts/having no time or motivation to write any. It was my first week back at school this week (I know, I know, I only had 4 weeks summer break, lets all moan about it for a second...), and I have already had quite a bit of homework. I did have a post in the making, but halfway through I decided I didn't want to finish it.
If you could leave any kind of suggestions in the comments for posts, they would be highly appreciated!
Also, I am 2 followers away from 100 followers, and also from 80 on Bloglovin! Can we get get me there by the end of the week? I'm counting on you guys!
Lauren x

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  1. You have such a lovely blog! I would love to see what are your favourite everyday lipsticks/lip products x

    Zoe x

  2. Do a back to school post if that's what's on your mind?

  3. You have such a lovely blog, don't rush posts just for the sake of writing them! Enjoy your blog, it is a hobby after all :)

    I really enjoy reading FOTD posts, and just general lifey posts :) xx


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