Grace Cole Fruit Works Lip Balm | Review of Coconut and Lime

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hi everyone!
As you may know, I am pretty much addicted to lip balm, and often I think that if I don’t have one on my person one day I will actually get withdrawal symptoms. Haha! The scent/flavour didn’t appeal to me at first, but I was totally in the wrong! The coconut and lime balance each other out completely, so it isn’t too fruity or coconut heavy!
I find with this it gives an average moisturise to the lips, and does last for quite a long time, which I cannot complain about at all. The texture is strange, it feels almost gritty to start off with, but once you start to work it into the lips that gritty feeling disappears and it starts to become shiny and glossy, which I actually like.
Grace Cole Coconut And Lime Lip Balm
These lip balms, in a wide range of flavours and with matching shower jells, soaps, body butters and more really nice things in the FruitWorks range are available from
This lip balm costs £2.00 from this site, so is an absolute bargain in my opinion, I definitely recommend you try something from the range!
Have you actually tried anything from the FruitWorks range? Let me know in the comments, as it is something I really want to look into buying!

Thanks for reading, don’t forget to follow me on GFC and bloglovin’ (buttons to the right) and also follow me on twitter and tweet me anything you like at :)
 Bye! Lauren x

*** This product was sent for review, but this isn’t a sponsored post. Visit my disclosure and PR page for more information ***

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